Coloured paper organized on a shelf

Student Survey Results

The Curriculum and Instruction (D)EDI Action Committee asked for feedback through a survey conducted in 2023. The purpose of the survey was for our committee to understand how we are currently preparing our graduates to engage in (D)EDI work in their future contexts within the field of education. By learning more about student experiences surrounding (D)EDI within our department, we hope to continue this important work while also reflexively enhancing the role of (D)EDI in this department’s course and other offerings.

This survey was anonymous and voluntary. Respondents were able to enter a draw for a $60.00 gift card from the UVic Bookstore. We awarded the gift card in early 2024.

Some of the results from the survey are presented below.

  1. How often do your courses engage you in issues of colonization, equity, diversity, or inclusion?
  • A great deal (often and in many of my courses) | 26% 5
  • A lot (often in some of my courses) | 16% 3
  • A moderate amount (occasionally in some of my courses, more in others) | 47% 9
  • A little (occasionally in some of my courses) | 11% 2
  • None at all | 0

2. How much practice have courses given you in terms of critical engagement in decolonization? (discuss or critically think about the impacts of colonialism, Truth & Reconciliation, and Indigenous perspectives)

  • A great deal (often and in many of my courses) | 5% 1
  • A lot (often in some of my courses) | 21% 4
  • A moderate amount (occasionally in some of my courses, more in others) 58% 11
  • A little (occasionally in some of my courses) | 16% 3
  • None at all | 0

3. How much practice have courses given you in terms of critical engagement in issues of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion? (discuss or critically think about anti-racism, 2SLGBTQIA+, Newcomers, disability rights, or other areas for anti-oppression)

  • A great deal (often and in many of my courses) | 5% 1
  • A lot (often and in some of my courses) | 16% 3
  • A moderate amount (occasionally in some of my courses, more in others) | 58% 11
  • A little (occasionally in some of my courses) | 16% 3
  • None at all | 5% 1

4. How well have your courses in Curriculum & Instruction prepared you to engage in the work of decolonization, equity, diversity and inclusion in your future profession?

  • Very well | 5% 1
  • Well | 26% 5
  • Neither well or not well | 47% 9
  • Not well | 21% 4
  • Not at all | 0

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